Chemical Formula: NH3 Buzwair Gases supplies Anhydrous Ammonia in 50 Kg & 60 Kg cylinders with BS10 valves and purity >99.5 % for its different applications: Refrigerant, Fertilizer, cleaning, etc.
It is a Nonflammable gas.
Ammonia is a compound formed by chemical combination of two elements Nitrogen and Hydrogen.
Physical properties:
Ammonia is colorless gas
Ammonia Is a Poisonous Gas
Ammonia has pungent Smell
Ammonia is Soluble in water
Liquefied Ammonia is Lighter than water
Gaseous Ammonia is Lighter than Air
Ammonia has ability to neutralize Acid
Chemical Formula: Cl2
Buzwair Gases supplies Chlorine in 907Kgs horizontal tonners with fully protected valves, in order to benefit from its role in Disinfection, Pharmaceuticals & Medical Equipment.
It is a Nonflammable gas.
Ammonia is a compound formed by chemical combination of two elements Nitrogen and Hydrogen.